

Become a Partner

Is your agency interested in becoming a partner with the West Alabama Food Bank?

Contact Us
Telephone: 205-333-5353
Fax:  205-333-5343

Agency Name


Phone Number

Bibb County

Lille Star District

Brent Baptist

Cahaba Medical Care

1234 Star Rd, Bibb, 32464

1234 Star Rd, Bibb, 32464

1234 Star Rd, Bibb, 32464

(123) 456-7890

(123) 456-7890

(123) 456-7890

Fayette County

Christian Center of Concern

1234 Star Rd, Fayette, 32464

(123) 456-7890

Greene County

House of Prayer

Morning Star Baptist Church

1234 Pray For Me Blvd, Greene, AL, 36842

123 Sun Ave, Greene, AL, 36842

(123) 456-7890


Food Bank Orders

Use the following form to submit your order to the West Alabama Food Bank.
It can be mailed, faxed, emailed or delivered.

P.O. Box 805
3160 McFarland Blvd.
Northport, Alabama 35476
Telephone: 205-333-5353
Fax:  205-333-5343
SNAP Applications Dial 211