Share your Story

What does hunger mean to you? How have you fought hunger in your life?
Whether you have experienced hunger firsthand or you work in a food pantry and see hunger every day, or are a volunteer, or a donor, please tell us your story. If you’re not sure what to write about, you could tell us about your experience with any of the following:

Using emergency food or food assistance (including food pantries, SNAP/food stamps, child nutrition programs, etc.).
A time when you had trouble making ends meet or having to choose between food and rent, medical bills, or other expenses.
Difficulty accessing food or services where you live.
Why you volunteer your time to fight hunger.
A story of someone you know who struggles with hunger and how they were helped.
The reason you donate to West Alabama Food Bank.
How has your agency benefited by partnering with West Alabama Food Bank?
If you have any questions or would prefer to tell your story to someone, please contact us at (205) 333-5353.